
Made to fit
Now you can own a beautiful LG French Door Fridge without renovating your entire kitchen or fridge alcove. The 835mm wide Slim French Door Fridge is designed to fit alcoves as narrow as 850mm in width.

Keep food fresher for longer
The LG Inverter Linear Compressor helps maintain the appearance and taste of fresh products for longer by reducing temperature fluctuations.

Fill-up on fresh
Spacious drawers to store fresh favourites for easy access.

Keep crisp. Keep the crunch
A lattice-patterned box cover keeps fruits and veggies crisp by helping to maintain the ideal moisture level

Trouble-free troubleshooting
Troubleshoots minor issues and keep updated with maintenance alerts so you can avoid the need to make a service call.

Key Features

  • Made to fit with Slim Width
  • A fresh approach with Multi Air Flow
  • Keep food fresher for longer with LINEAR Cooling
  • Fill-up on fresh with Big Fresh Zone
  • 10 year parts warranty on the Inverter Linear Compressor